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Freestyle Literature

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A “Contact Web-form Complaint Letter” to NC Local News Lab Fund, In re: Lizzy Hazeltine

To whom it may concern:  I write to register an ethical grievance and solemn protest against the  unlawful and threatening correspondence which I received from your “director” Lizzy Hazeltine earlier today. (I reproduce her email below.) Be advised that I have made copies of the “Twitter direct messages” as well as all of the emails […]

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Twitter DM’s from Dawson Gage to Will Doran, WRAL-TV (March-August 2024)

Good morning Mr. Doran. I have some very important links to share with you. They are links to the text of several “motions” which I filed in Orange County on Thursday, and in Pitt County yesterday. They include “facial constitutional challenges” to NCGS Chapter 50B (the “domestic violence protective order statute”) and NCGS 14-277.3A (the […]

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Political Fax Cover Letters: Congresswoman Deborah Ross, Mayor Bill Saffo, Attorney General Josh Stein, Secretary Elaine Marshall

Dear Deborah,I hope this proves a good way to reach you, since the document I transmit here is very important and something you need to read. It is a “Motion to Dismiss” filed in a “felony stalking” case in Pitt County which involves three–no more, no less–letters sent via US Mail from the Orange County […]

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“Yet Another Incident at 91.3 FM” (Reply to Ben Schachtman, 6 March 2024)

To my cherished correspondents/confidantes:  Follows the latest discourse from the desk of “Dawson-G-the-Freestyle-King”. I could do this on the radio too you know.Yours truly, Dawson Gage————————————————————— Dear Ben,Follows the text which I attempted to send to you via “Twitter DM”, but which some 2000+ words is a bit too long for that medium. In good faith […]

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“Freestyle Critique of Josh Stein: Public Records, Free Speech, Sex Law” (SMS text messages from Dawson Gage to Jim Phillips, 5 January 2024)

Lawyers, journalists, friends: The following “text message freestyle” was sent to Jim Phillips late last night, and treats of important subjects. Consider this a form of “email samizdat”, and accept my thanks for whatever time or attention you wish to give, either to this text, or those that follow. Text messages to Jim Phillips from […]